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We are a vibrant family of faith rooted in God's Word, gathering together to worship, and equipped to share the love of Christ with the world.  We are a caring community that is passionate about serving others and growing closer to Christ. We believe Jesus Christ is our Savior, the source of our compassion and acceptance and the drive behind our desire to share God’s love.  

Welcome to our

 Worship Service 

at 10:00 a.m. 

March 23, 2025.

 The Service will be available for livestream, or to be viewed on our YouTube channel later.​


YouTube Channel Link -




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Would you like to donate fresh flowers for the sanctuary? Flower dedications are a great way to celebrate and remember a birthday, anniversary, loved one, special occasions and the Glory of God! Please contact Brooks Barwell by clicking the link below. Brooks will reserve a date for your dedication on the church calendar and work with you on the wording of the dedication and other details.



O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I plead my case to you and watch.” Psalm 5:3


            For my Sabbath time this week, I skied once again at Loveland. Fresh powder covered the slopes as I experienced another amazing ski day. Loveland is becoming one of my favorite resorts!


            Over Lent, I am focusing on my prayer life. Each week, I will be sharing a new prayer with you that is particularly meaningful to me. This week on the slopes, I thought about how important it is to begin the day in prayer as I thank God for a new day. Here is one of my favorite morning prayers from the Book of Common Worship daily prayer book.   (Here’s a link to that book: Book of Common Worship, Daily Prayer)


Please pray with me:


As you cause the sun to rise, O God, bring the light of Christ to dawn in our souls and dispel the shadows of hatred and fear. Give us grace to reflect Christ’s glory; and let his love show in our deeds, his peace shine in our words, and his healing in our touch, that all may give him praise, now and forever. Amen


(Book of Common Worship, Daily Prayer, pg. 32)


            May the love of God be with you,


            Pastor Richard

Picture for reflection on March 21 2025.jpg
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Services, Bible Studies and Events


Love in Action

Mission of the Month

Rooted Wisdom Africa
Piggy Plummet 


The BIG day finally arrived. One week ago, on Friday, January 31, Church of the Hills’ TEAM PIGGY took their place at the starting line of the first ever Rooted Wisdom Africa Piggy Plummet. Other piggies joined Team Church of the Hills, including the BUNCO piggies and many others from Church of the Hills’ proud piggy purchasers. Church of the Hills was well represented, but the competition was tough with 747 piggies ready to take the plunge to victory. Members of the Team Church of the Hills piggy phan club gathered at noon to cheer on the team. The suspense grew as the piggies flew toward the itty bitty target. The referee pulled piggies out of the winners’ hole~ who would the winner be? 3,2,1–CHURCH OF THE HILLS!!!  


Besides being fun and very silly, what is the Piggy Plummet all about? RWA has a big dream and these little piggies are helping them reach their goal. Designs are in place to build a Community Empowerment Center and Demonstration Farm that will provide the opportunity, tools and education for an estimated 10,000 Ugandan citizens to become empowered and independent in a multitude of trades. $16,450 was raised as piggies were purchased to support this cause, providing enough money to build 2 classrooms for the CEC-DF.  Team Church of the Hills won $3500! We will be donating this money to Rooted Wisdom Africa to help reach this ambitious goal. 



“Love in Action” is the Church of the Hills mission team.  The primary goal of the Love in Action Team is to serve the needs of others locally, nationally and internationally. The people of Church of the Hills are blessed with unique gifts; although the size of our congregation is smaller, sharing these gifts remains a vital part of our outreach ministry.

The “Love in Action” Committee will guide us to be Christ’s faithful Witnesses. As such, we will share a deep life of service, and participate in God’s mission to care for the needs of the sick, the poor, and the lonely to establish Christ’s just, loving, and peaceable rule in the world. 



Friday Features offers weekly updates and happenings at Church of the Hills. It’s a great way to stay in touch and up to date with our Ministries and our Community. To receive this weekly email, please sign up below.

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Church of the Hills



28628 Buffalo Park Rd.

Evergreen, CO  80439

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